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Uganda has the most diversified and beautiful Nature for wildlife tours that will wow your safari experience, designated to the biggest and oldest to the smallest which include Murchison Falls, Queen Elizabeth, Kidepo Valley and Lake Mburo national park and much more, as listed below.

2 days Queen Elizabeth

2 Days Safari to Uganda’s popular national park and arguably the most scenic of Uganda’s savannah Parks. The tour includes the boat safari on the Kazinga Channel – home to an array of birds and animals, meanwhile, the morning game drive offers a good chance to sight the cats and nocturnal, along with the big game and spectacular scenery.

2 days Lake Mburo

Lake Mburo National Game Park is the smallest of Uganda’s Savanna Parks. It is situated in the western part of the country in the Kiruhura District. The Park has a number of different animal species such as Zebras, Buffalos, Hippos and Elands. Important to note, that it is the only Park with Impalas in Uganda. There is also a small population of big cats such as leopards and lions, but these are very elusive and hard to sight.

2 days Murchison falls

The best 2 days Murchison falls & wildlife safari in Uganda is to none other than Murchison Falls National Park. Uganda’s largest National Park, Murchison Falls boasts plenty of wildlife and beautiful scenery, experienced on the afternoon boat safari along the Nile and an early game drive. Expect sightings of Lions, Hyenas, Hippos, Elephants, Buffaloes, and so many species of antelopes and a cocktail of birds


Ziwa Rhino Trekking and Murchison falls National Park which lies in Masindi and Amuru Districts. Its spectacular and beautiful falls are definitely nature’s truest gifts to Uganda and these falls have been for a long time the major attraction to this park for many and a large number of animals, Rhino at Zziwa Sanctuary…

3 days Murchison Falls

Murchison Falls National Park lies in Masindi District, northwest of Uganda. Its spectacular and beautiful falls are definitely nature’s truest gifts to Uganda and these falls have been for a long time the major attraction to this park for many and a large number of animals, that is to say, the park has 75 different species of mammals and 420 of birds. No doubt, making it the NUMBER ONE, stop national park that Uganda has with a variety of activities to exhaust the adventure in you

3 days Queen Elizabeth

Explore Uganda’s best of big game, beautiful scenery and birds, Queen Elizabeth national park tours include two game drives in this safari park and a wonderful boat cruise on the Kazinga Channel…

In these 5 days wildlife safari package, you will take part in the amazing gorilla trekking experience in Bwindi impenetrable national park and a fantastic safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park, home of the famed Tree-climbing Lions and a variety of wildlife and beautiful scenery. Some of the highlights of the tour include Gorilla trekking, game drives in Queen and a boat safari along the amazing Kazinga Channel.

9 days Pearl Safari

Take tailor-made wildlife safari Uganda to north-western Uganda via Luwero highway or Hoima highway. While on this trip you will view typical African home settings and other sceneries, and wildlife that Murchison falls is much known to offer. Before you reach the park visit Ziwa Rhino sanctuary to track the reintroduced Rhinos, search for the rare shoebill the loveliest bird, visit now the top of the falls, ferry crossing for a game drive to spot the variety of wildlife that this endless offers year after year, boat ride closer to the falls or full day boat to the delta, visit Kibale forest for chimpanzee trekking, Queen for game drives and then to Bwindi for Gorilla tracking adventure.

15 days eco safari

This wildlife tour will take you through beautiful sceneries and a visit to Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Murchison Falls National Park, Kibale National ParkQueen Elizabeth National ParkBwindi Impenetrable National Park, and Lake Bunyonyi, Lake Mburo National Park, Ssese islands and city tour. Activities to encounter include game drives, Boat rides, Gorilla tracking and Bird watching, white water rafting, bungee jumping, kayaking and visiting the Ngamba Island chimpanzee sanctuary.

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