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The Amabere Ga Nyina Mwiru Caves, with their associated ancestral beliefs and spiritual attachments, were originally believed to have been the birthplace of the most prominent Kingdom of Bachwezi. Nyinamwiiru was a daughter of Bukuku, who was the first to serve as the chief of Batembuzi.

amabere ga nyina mwiru

The caves are located 5 kilometers away from Fort Portal town. The name “Amabere Ga Nyina Mwiru” means breasts of a mother to a slave, and scientifically, the pillars that are formed are called stalactites and stalagmites. They have continued to form great caves.

Lake Kigere is one of the crater lakes that are around Fort Portal and is located in the Northeast. Trekking to this crater lake can take you about 10–15 minutes. and among other crater lakes; is Lake Kyaninga which is located Northern part of Fort Portal.

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