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Lion tracking experience in Queen Elizebeth

Lion tracking is an activity where one gets closer to the lions to know their behaviors or ways of life in the wild however this authentic experience can only be done in Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda which is known for the tree climbing lions. The park is located in western Uganda between Lake Albert and Lake George and named Queen Elizabeth because of the visit of Queen Elizabeth the second in 1954.

Lion Tracking in Queen Elizabeth
Tree climbing lion in Queen Elizabeth

In Uganda these activities are organized or lead by Armed Uganda wildlife authority however it’s under Uganda carnivores project (UCP) who do research and help to track down the lions in the wild more, so this activity is done in 2 sessions morning and evening.

Lion tracking experiential adventure is done by few people, this gives ample time to spend with the lions more, so it’s strictly regulated or monitored to avoid stressing the animals, help researchers to collecting accurate data or information, and know the way of life of the animals.

For this experience, in order to do it you need to book early months before your experiential dates so that they can prepare and be ready for your arrival and make sure that the team does not exceed the arranged group of people at the same time.

Lion tracking, behaviors and livelihood

Lions are territorial in nature more so the females, however the male protect their pride and surroundings their groups consist of 6 females, their off springs and coalition of 2-3 males that join the pride from different locations. Each pride consists of about 15-37 members, and they are polygamous in nature through out of the year.

Lions, hunt in large numbers however females tend to hunt and feed their pride or group they feed to animals like rodents, baboons, cape buffaloes, hippos, zebras, antelopes, young elephant, giraffes to mention but a few.

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